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Most of the following articles are linked to external sources. The links have been provided here for informational purpose only. Please consult your doctor.

Toxins in the Kitchen

Eating for longevity begins in the kitchen. You may be eating only organic, antioxidant-rich foods, but if you cooked your food on the toxic surface of your stovetop in a carcinogenic no-stick pan, you just might be doing more harm than good. Find out how to make over your kitchen for health and long life! More...

Summer babies 'tall and strong'

Children who are born in late summer or early autumn are often taller and stronger than peers born in spring and winter, a large study suggests. The results from the Children of the 90s project - which involved 7,000 youngsters - says the reason may lie in their mothers' exposure to the sun.  More...

Premature babies 'need cuddles'

Even very premature babies benefit from skin to skin contact with their parents, research suggests. A Canadian study found that cuddling babies born as early as 28 weeks reduced the stress of painful medical procedures which many must undergo.


Safe & Secure: Choosing the right car seat for your child

Car crashes are the number one cause of death for Canadian children! A properly installed car seat can reduce the risk of serious injury or death by as much as 71 per cent.Car seat clinics indicate that as many as 80 per cent of car seats are installed improperly.  More...

Vitamin D helps control MS gene

The first evidence of how vitamin D deficiency and genetics interact to increase the risk of multiple sclerosis has been reported by researchers. More...

All About Infant Gas

Could gas be making my baby fussy? Gas is very common in babies, affecting more than half of all newborns within the first two months of life. Gas bubbles can often cause discomfort, leading to crankiness and crying. Many babies suffering from gas pull their legs up, lying in a curled position in an effort to relieve the discomfort. More...

Prenatal alcohol exposure damages the brain's connective network

One part of the prenatal brain that may be particularly sensitive to alcohol's effects is white matter, nerve fibres through which information is exchanged between different areas of the central nervous system. More...

Second-hand smoke tied to fertility problems

Women who have ever been around smokers regularly may have more difficulty getting pregnant than those who have not, a new study suggests. The findings, researchers say, offer one more reason for women to kick the smoking habit. More...

How to keep your skin beautiful when you're pregnant

Being pregnant is one of the most exciting experiences for any woman. However, sometimes the physical changes can be overwhelming. From an ever-expanding tummy to lower back pain and shortness of breath – a lot goes on during the full nine months of pregnancy. More...

Newborn Baby Advice for New Parents

Our baby advice is carefully prepared by our baby care experts to help new moms like you give the best baby care possible. Baby health advice is crucial to good parenting, so we provide you with baby advice from choosing your child's doctor to traveling with your newborn baby. More...

Nutrition Life Stages- Children (five to 12 years)

As children get older, they have an increasing amount of freedom over food choice and often eat outside the home. Peer pressure and advertising also start to play their part in your children’s food preferences.  More...

Signs that your baby is ready for solid food

There are a variety of different physical signs your baby will display that indicate she’s ready to move onto solid foods. Before your baby’s ready to eat solid foods, she needs to be able to maintain a steady upright position and hold her head upright so she can easily take solid foods from a spoon. It’s fine if your baby still needs support for a while to sit-up. More...

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