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Most of the following articles are linked to external sources. The links have been provided here for informational purpose only. Please consult your doctor.

Staying Safe

At the beach Even if it's cloudy, protect yourself from harmful UV rays by using a suncream with a high protection factor. Reapply it every couple of hours and don't forget to protect your ears, lips, hair parting and the tip of your nose with sunblock.  More...

How fast will my baby's teeth grow in?

Typically, babies get their teeth in pairs. First come the middle two on the bottom. A month or so later, the two above those arrive. Still, it's not uncommon to see a baby with four bottom and no upper teeth, or the reverse. A general timeline: More...

Is it safe to take Claritin or other allergy medications during pregnancy?

The allergy medication loratadine (Claritin, others) is currently considered a category B drug. This indicates that animal studies haven't shown any risks to a fetus whose mother takes the drug, and there have been no reports of human reproductive problems associated with the drug. More...

Miracles of Carrot Juice

Carrots are well known as the universal vegetable for juicing. Carrot juice has been well known as being a miracle juice, or the king of juices. Many people around the world have found that if they include carrot juice in their daily diet, that their overall health improves enormously. More...

Simple tips to increase fertility

Men should avoid the following because they can lower sperm count by as much as 40% each: *Long bike rides *Sitting in the hot tub *Keeping a cell phone, pager or similar electronic device in your pocket or on your waist  More...

Acupuncture may increase chance of IVF success: study

It sounds far-fetched — sticking needles in women to help them become pregnant — but a scientific review suggests acupuncture might improve the odds of conceiving by in-vitro fertilization if done right before or after embryos are placed in the womb. More...

20+ of the greatest parenting tips ever

Even though some of my mothering skills came naturally, like realizing I could nurse my newborn son, Conrad, while walking up the spiral staircase, my confidence as a new mom was hard-won. I always assumed there was a book, or a gadget, or one of Angelina Jolie's nannies, who knew how to do everything better than I could. More...

'Don't tell women how to give birth'

How a woman gives birth provokes strong views, with impassioned arguments for normal births, and for Caesareans. But in this week's Scrubbing Up health column, Cathy Warwick of the RCM says the most important thing is for women to be able to choose. More...

Iron deficiency during pregnancy

Iron deficiency (or lack of iron) can create a low haemoglobin (or low red blood cell count). This is usually referred to as 'anaemia'. Iron deficiency is very common in developing countries, especially in children and childbearing women. More...

Health Risks of Hormonal Birth Control

Women have been using hormonal birth control methods for years. The rise and development of contraceptives like the birth control pill have meant a positive change in the lives of women, and has been associated with a woman's freedom over her body as well as her lifestyle. More...

Hunting ways to protect baby if mother drinks

Drinking during pregnancy can seriously harm a baby's brain, yet thousands of mothers-to-be still do. Now scientists have begun testing whether a prenatal nutrient might offer those babies a little protection, part of a growing quest for ways to reverse the damage. More...

Teen Pregnancy May Be Symptom, Not Cause, Of Emotional Distress

It would make sense that teenage mothers have a lot of psychological stress in their lives, but a new study shows that the distress comes before the pregnancy, not because of it. More...

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