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Most of the following articles are linked to external sources. The links have been provided here for informational purpose only. Please consult your doctor.

Toddlers get post-trauma stress

Children as young as two experience post-traumatic stress, research shows. A study on 114 younger children who had been exposed to road traffic accidents in the UK found one in 10 suffered continued anxiety after the event.  More...

Big babies 'risk breast cancer'

Baby girls who are of larger than average length and weight at birth grow up being at increased risk of breast cancer, analysis suggests. The analysis of 32 studies involving more than 600,000 women provides the strongest evidence yet of such a link.  More...

Breastfeeding 'cuts cancer risk'

Breastfeeding for a year over the course of a woman's life helps cut the risk of breast cancer, research says. The World Cancer Research Fund analysed 7,000 previous studies and found it reduced the risk by 4.8%.  More...

Baby paracetamol asthma concern

Use of paracetamol in babies increases the risk of developing asthma five years later, a study of more than 200,000 children suggests. hose given the painkiller for fever in the first year of life had a 46% increased risk of asthma by the age of six or seven, The Lancet reported. More...

Natural birth 'may aid baby bond'

Mothers who give birth naturally are more responsive to the cry of their baby than those who choose to have a Caesarean, American research suggests. Brain scans on 12 new mothers soon after birth found more activity in areas linked to motivation and emotions in those who had a vaginal delivery. More...

Natural birth 'may aid baby bond'

Mothers who give birth naturally are more responsive to the cry of their baby than those who choose to have a Caesarean, American research suggests. Brain scans on 12 new mothers soon after birth found more activity in areas linked to motivation and emotions in those who had a vaginal delivery.  More...

Blood Loss, Transfusions

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and organs and removes waste products. It is made up of several main components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.  More...

Breastmilk and Vitamin D Adequacy

Infant feeding interventions for all babies when needed only by a vulnerable few raises some important issues. Risks and benefits need cautious weighing. Long and short-term effects must be monitored and new information must constantly be assessed.  More...

Mums 'accept natural birth risks'

First-time mothers-to-be will accept greater risks than clinicians for a natural birth, research suggests. A Sydney, Australia study also found the women prepared to accept higher pain levels, reports the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.  More...

Newborns: Nutrition

Breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby. For the first six months of life, he requires nothing else to eat or drink. # Breastmilk is exactly suited to your baby’s nutritional needs. # Breastfeeding is convenient and free. No need to buy formula, sterilise equipment, mix powder, carry clean water or warm up bottles. More...

Infant and Newborn Care

Going home with a new baby is exciting, but it can be scary, too. Newborns have many needs, like frequent feedings and diaper changes. Babies can have health issues that are different from older children and adults, like diaper rash and cradle cap.  More...

Supplementation for Breastfed and Bottle-Fed Infants

Human milk contains a natural balance of vitamins, especially C, E and the B vitamins, so if you and your baby are both healthy, and you are well nourished, your child may not require any supplements of these vitamins.  More...

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