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Most of the following articles are linked to external sources. The links have been provided here for informational purpose only. Please consult your doctor.


Colic is quite common, but no one knows exactly what it is. The medical definition is crying in a healthy, normally developing baby, which seems unrelated to pain or hunger, and which occurs most days or evenings over a period of time. More...

Breastfeeding Tips

Your baby should nurse 8 to 12 times in 24 hours. The amount of milk you produce is directly related to the amount of stimulation your breasts receive. Breastfeeding time should not be limited, and both breasts should be used at each feeding, alternating starting sides. More...

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Each week, three babies die of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in Canada. SIDS refers to the sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy baby under one year of age. Such deaths usually occur while the child is sleeping and remain unexplained even after a full investigation. More...

Newborn Vitamin A Reduces Infant Mortality

A single, oral dose of vitamin A, given to infants shortly after birth in the developing world can reduce their risk of death by 15 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. More...

Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy

A primary source of information for this section is National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board, Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactation, Subcommittee on Dietary Intake and Nutrient Supplements During Pregnancy, Subcommittee on Nutritional Status and Weight Gain During Pregnancy. More...

What to avoid - Food poisoning

Pregnant women should be careful not to expose themselves to any risk of food poisoning, which is potentially very dangerous to the unborn baby, especially in the case of listeriosis and toxoplasmosis. More...

Bracelet idea to count baby kicks

A mother has invented a bracelet to help pregnant women keep track of their baby's movements. From around 28 weeks, mothers-to-be are asked to ensure their babies kick at least 10 times a day.  More...

Kick Counts

Most mothers-to-be eagerly await that first reassuring flutter, just to know their baby is growing and developing. Sometime between 18-25 weeks into pregnancy, moms will begin to feel movement. For first time moms, it may occur closer to 25 weeks, and for second or third time moms, it may occur closer to 18 weeks. More...

Preterm Labour

Canada, like most industrialized countries, boasts a high standard of living and an excellent health care system. Yet in 1991, over 26,000 babies were born prematurely (before 37 weeks of pregnancy). More...

Infections During Pregnancy

Infections are a part of normal life. We all suffer from the odd coughs and colds, and many women have experienced troublesome thrush (yeast infections) or cystitis. More...

Preventing Infections During Pregnancy

These 10 tips can help you prevent infections that could harm your unborn baby. You won’t always know if you have an infection—sometimes you won’t even feel sick. If you think you might have an infection or think you are at risk, see your doctor. More...

Birth Control - Birth Control Methods

There are many methods of birth control. Learn about the different kinds of birth control to help you choose the best one for you. When making your choice, also consider that only a condom will protect you from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).  More...

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