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Most of the following articles are linked to external sources. The links have been provided here for informational purpose only. Please consult your doctor.


Scared? You needn't be. If the idea of a slippery baby and a bath tub fills you with dread, then remember it gets easier as time goes on. More...

Hard start for Bangledesh baby

Most women in Bangladesh give birth without the help of modern medicine. Cassie Farrell, producer and director of the BBC's Survival - A Healthy Start programme, followed the fortunes of one baby in the north-east of the country. More...

Baby Massage

Baby massage can be a good thing for both parent and child because: It's a good bonding experience - a good way for you and your baby to get to know each other and to spend a bit of quality time together. Studies have suggested that physical contact is good for babies, improving their breathing, circulation, digestion and growth. More...

Babies and solid foods: What to serve when

Most babies are ready for solid foods between ages 4 months and 6 months. Here's when — and how — to make the transition from breast milk or formula to solid foods. Does your baby seem interested in what you're eating? Does your baby open his or her mouth if you offer a spoon? It might be time to introduce solid foods. More...


Before your baby arrived, you probably took sleep for granted. But most new parents realise those days are long gone. Your baby needs a lot of care when she's awake, and you may feel relieved when she drops off to sleep and looks so contented.  More...

Feeding a Baby Honey

Is there ever a time to wait beyond a year for giving a child honey? What about cereals that contain honey, such as Honey Nut Cheerios? If there is a question of immune deficiency I like waiting longer, but in general, once kids have reached age 1 they are at dramatically lower risk for infant botulism, which is the reason we delay honey. More...

What should I do if a baby is choking?

This information applies to babies aged under one year old. For information relating to adults and older children, please refer to what should I do if someone is choking? If a baby is choking, you need to quickly assess the situation to see how best you can help.  More...

Pregnant smoker?

Women are continuing to smoke while pregnant because they are scared of being ‘judged’ if they ask for help according to figures from the Department of Health. Do you know anyone that smoked while pregnant? More...

Pregnancy risks for obese women

A new study has underlined the high risks faced by obese women in their first pregnancy. Scientists at Kings College in London analysed data from the pregnancies of 385 first-time obese mothers.  More...

Mini Fetal Monitor Saves Lives High Risk Pregnancy Specialists Design Fetal Device To More Closely Monitor Baby And Mother

High risk pregnancy specialists designed a fetal monitoring device that tracks a baby's position and movement in the womb, as well as baby and mother heart rates. The device is capable of collecting data for up to 24 hours and is portable and wearable--about the size of a mobile phone. More...

Pollution-related Asthma May Start In The Womb

Children born in areas with increased traffic-related pollution may be at greater risk of developing asthma due to genetic changes acquired in the womb, according to new research from the University of Cincinnati (UC) and Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. More...

Level Set for Chemical In Nonstick Products

The Environmental Protection Agency has issued the first national guidelines establishing safe levels for perfluorinated chemicals used to make nonstick and stain-resistant materials in the nation's drinking water. More...

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