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Most of the following articles are linked to external sources. The links have been provided here for informational purpose only. Please consult your doctor.

Dairy for children 'extends life'

Children who eat plenty of dairy foods such as milk and cheese can expect to live longer, a study suggests. Some 4,374 UK children from a 1930s study were traced 65 years later by researchers in Bristol and Queensland.  More...

Infant sleep patterns

Learn about your newborn's dreams and sleep stages. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recently revised its advice on how to avoid SIDS. Some of their rules may contradict the suggestions in this article. Please see aap.org for the new guidelines. More...

Vitamin D important for building babies’ bones

Researchers believe stronger bones in newborns can be attributed to vitamin D levels, according to a new study into sun exposure where pregnant women’s exposure to sunlight was found to have a direct impact on the height and size of babies. More...

Morning sickness drug shown safe for babies

For the first time, a large study shows that pregnant women who suffer morning sickness are not risking harm to their babies if they take a certain anti-nausea drug. The result may lead more doctors to prescribe the drug metoclopramide and women to feel less guilty about using it during their baby's crucial first few months of development, experts said. More...

Obesity in children

Obesity is the state of being seriously overweight - to a degree that affects your health. Obesity in childhood is linked to many health complications and tends to indicate the child will be obese as an adult. It is very concerning as childhood obesity is increasing. More...

Growing up with a sister makes people more balanced

Growing up with a sister makes people more optimistic, more ambitious and better balanced, psychologists have found. A study of 571 families comprised of brothers, sisters, a mixture of both and only children found that having a sister in the home led to siblings of either sex scoring more highly on a range of standard tests for good mental health.  More...

Safer, More Effective TB Vaccine For HIV-Positive People

UCLA scientists engineered a new tuberculosis (TB) vaccine specifically designed for HIV-positive people that was shown to be safer and more potent than the current TB vaccine in preclinical trials.  More...

Dads Balancing work and home life

There's lots of evidence that shows that daily involvement by dads is good for children, so how do you get the right balance?Tim Kahn has some ideas. Before your baby is born, you'll need to consider how you and you partner will split your time to care for him. You may want to think about the following: More...

Study links morning sickness to brighter kids

Moms who spend part of their pregnancies vomiting and nauseated can take heart: Canadian research suggests they might actually have a smarter baby. Researchers at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children's Motherisk Program have discovered that morning sickness appears to be linked to enhanced  More...

How to deal with a teething baby

Can you blame it on the teeth? Although parents connect a variety of symptoms to the arrival of a tooth, doctors are often reluctant to attribute a rash or loose bowels or irritability to teething for the very good reason that this "diagnosis" could mask other health concerns that might need attention. More...

Baby Teething

“Teething is not the same as getting teeth,” comments Robin Hedge, the mother of 11-month-old Bryn McClennan. “Bryn started teething when she was four months old, but the first tooth didn’t actually appear until she was 5½ months. That was six weeks of drooling, chewing and fussing.  More...

Tips to Prevent Baby Bad Breath

Normally, babies are identified to have a pleasant and sweet breath. And for most people, a baby with a bad breath is unthinkable. But then, even babies do have bad breath and it can be as foul smelling as that of adults. More...

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