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Most of the following articles are linked to external sources. The links have been provided here for informational purpose only. Please consult your doctor.

Baby milk firms win court fight

Baby milk manufacturers have won a High Court battle to delay introducing stricter labelling rules.  More...

UK trial for IVF womb technique

An IVF technique which lets eggs develop in the womb rather than the test-tube straight after fertilisation is to be trialled in the UK. More...

You've got the cutest little baby face: Brain activity linked to parental instinct

What is it about a baby's face that draws us like bits of metal to a magnet? Well, scientists think they may have the answer - and it's all in the brain. More...

Children 'damaged' by materialism

Most adults in the UK believe that children's well-being is being damaged because childhood has become too commercial, a lifestyle poll has found. More...

Diet During Pregnancy

In this discussion you will learn why you need a well-balanced diet while you are pregnant and what foods you should eat. You will also find out foods you should avoid and foods that will help some of the unpleasant side effects of pregnancy. More...

Infant feeding 'may affect brain'

Nutrition in the first weeks of life could have a profound impact on the way the brain develops, research suggests. More...

Having a baby - Pregnancy Diet

There are lots of misunderstandings about what you can and can't eat during pregnancy. Here are some suggestions for keeping you and your baby healthy. More...

Molecule 'triggers allergy attack'

The discovery of a molecule which appears to play a key role in allergies may lead to new therapies, experts say.


Eating For Healthy Pregnant Women

This food advice for pregnant women gives serving size samples, and emphasises the importance of healthy eating for pregnant women. Cravings, fluids, folic acid, and listeria and healthy food choices are all covered, along with contacts for further information.  More...

The Sensible Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

The Sensible Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy captures key information about certain lifestyle choices you can make to help ensure a healthy pregnancy.  More...

Test 'to predict pre-eclampsia'

Researchers say they are a step closer to developing a predictive test for pre-eclampsia, a dangerous condition which affects one in ten pregnancies. More...

Mother's antibodies tied to development of regressive autism

Scientists have identified a potential new cause of autism in children, by examining what happens in the womb before a baby is born. More...

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